MAY 2019


FRIDAY, July 6 2018



                                                                                  #FINAL SHOW


<< From Friday 6 July through Thursday 12 July the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) will host its annual Graduation Festival, with more than 200 bachelor and master students showcasing their graduation projects>>




Fri 6 July 2018 17:00 - Thu 12 July 2018 20:00
Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
Prinsessegracht 4
2514 AN Den Haag
More info

Friday 6 July: Opening 17.00-21.00hrs
Saturday 7 July to Thursday 12 July: open daily 11.00-20.00hrs

Part of Liquid kitchen, 2018

Sunday, June 17th 2018                          #Houtfestival                                                                                                                #NieuweVide


<<Between 13:00-15:00 and 16:00-18:00 hours I will be hosting a performance on Houtfestival Haarlem>> 

#Liquid Kitchen

'The Nudist on the Late Shift'

Vrijdag 16 februari t/m vrijdag 2 maart


Deelnemende kunstenaars:

Rik Smits

Bob Eikelboom

Theun Govers

Mirthe Klück

Puck Schot

Gitte Svendsen

Lucas van Eeden

Saulė Vaivilavičiūtė

Luis Maly

Arthur Cordier

Hanae Wilke

Afra Eisma

Josephine van Schendel

Marijn Ottenhof

Natalia Jordanova



2017 Extaze literair tijdschrift 22, jrg.6 nr.2, pp. 64 t/m 67